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Walk and Drive Safely to School

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children younger than 10 always walk with adults.  Parents should walk to school with their children and teach them how to walk safely so that when they are old enough to walk alone, they can do so. 

The Department of Health suggests sharing these walking tips with your children:

  • Always walk across the street - don't run
  • Don't walk suddenly into the path of a vehicle
  • Stop completely at all street corners
  • Obey all the pedestrian signals
  • Never dart out into the street between parked cars
  • Cross streets only at intersections and crosswalks
  • Look left, then right, and left again before crossing
  • Continue looking both ways as you cross the street
  • Walk alertly - use your eyes and your ears
  • Walk facing the flow of traffic on sidewalks and paths
  • At signals, begin walking when the "WALK" signal is showing. Finish crossing even when the signal flashes "DON'T WALK."  The flashing "DON'T WALK" signal means don't step off the curb and begin crossing. 

Drivers need to be aware of the increase in people walking when school starts.  Here are a few safety tips:

  • Look for pedestrians at all intersections: signals, stop signs and roundabouts
  • Stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk.  Remember that there is a crosswalk at the intersection of any two streets, whether marked or not.
  • Look for pedestrians when turning right on a red light or left across oncoming lanes of traffic
  • Use caution when passing another vehicle stopped at an intersection.  They may be stopped for someone you can't see
  • Obey the speed limits and school zone speed limits
  • Avoid distractions when you're driving, like eating or using a cell phone. 

In the state of North Dakota the pedestrian has the right-of-way at the crosswalk.